Earl Hebner Bio
Senior WWF Referee
Earl Hebner has been the senior referee since March 1988 when he took over from his identical twin brother Dave Hebner as senior WWF Official.
Throughout his career, Earl has been no stranger to controversy. Ironically, he was a shady,snake in the grass during his initial appearance on Federation television, when on Feb. 5, 1988, “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase paid Earl to help screw Hulk Hogan out of the Federation Championship. Late in the match, Andre the Giant had Hogan covered, and a referee with an exact resemblance to Federation senior official Dave Hebner counted Hogan out despite the champion lifting up his shoulder after two.
Over time, Earl replaced his brother as senior official, and has refereed some of the biggest matches in Federation history. And outside of an all-too-real controversy at the 1997 Survivor Series, Earl stayed out of the spotlight.
It’s not Triple H, Mr. McMahon or Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, and I seriously doubt Kane will turn on his brother again. The person who just might deny Taker his glory has been carefully and conveniently camouflaged enough to be overlooked. That person is referee Earl Hebner. Yes, Earl Hebner stands between Taker and the Federation Championship more than anyone. At both Survivor Series 2000, and Backlash last week, Hebner cost the Undertaker Federation gold - because he did the right thing. The toughest thing Taker has to deal with is that Hebner is a man of integrity not afraid to make the right call under intense pressure.
In the last few months he has called many decisions that DX and Vince McMahon did not like and was put on probation by Triple H. On April 17th Issue of Raw Earl Hebner got sacked after it was a WWF Championship match between Chris Jericho and Triple H when the original referee Mike Chioda was inadvertently knocked out by Chris Jericho therefore Earl Hebner came out to continue officiating duties. He fast counted Triple H when his shoulders were down and therefore Triple H lost the WWF Championship. However Triple H, Shane McMahon bought out the original referee Mike Chiota and Shane bought out Earl Hebner in a full nelson maneuver. Triple H asked what the hell Earl Hebner was doing. He said I am doing my job. Triple H told Earl Hebner to reverse the decision however Earl Hebner then said that I will reverse the decision and as long as Earl Hebner is a referee no one in DX and Shane or Vince McMahon can lay a finger on him. Triple H said yes I agree however I have got some news for you You're @$$ is fired.
The problems between Earl and Triple H eventually became a thing of the past, but Earl continued to be the center of controversy - even when he was right. At Fully Loaded, Earl correctly disqualified The Rock, and awarded the match and the Federation Championship to Chris Benoit per the pre-match stipulation, only to have then Commissioner Mick Foley reverse the decision.
At the Survivor Series that November, the Undertaker appeared to have Kurt Angle defeated and the Federation Championship around his waist, until Earl abruptly stopped the count, correctly indicating that Taker had covered Kurt’s older brother, Eric.
Recently at Backlash, Taker hit the Last Ride on Triple H. There was no stopping him from becoming the new Intercontinental Champion - except for Earl Hebner. The Game was not the legal man in the ring, so Hebner refused to count. Correct call.
The Undertaker and Kane would lose the match and the Tag Team Championship to Austin and Triple H, which brings us to an apparent title match at Judgment Day between the Rattlesnake and the Dead Man. Whether Taker likes it or not, Earl Hebner will likely get the nod to call the match, and my take is that Taker’s recent history with Earl will be planted in the back of his mind. Federation television has made little of Earl’s impact on big matches - for now.
At Judgment Day, Earl will do the credible job he always does, but should a tough call - right or wrong - cost Taker again, and Earl may have to defend himself for the umpteenth time. Except this time, the Undertaker himself may be demanding answers.
At WWF WrestleMania Linda McMahon came to the ring with Earl Hebner and he was the one that counted the three count that made the Rock the new WWF Champion.Earl Hebner took place in his first match on WWF SmackDown as the Rock's tag Team partner.
At Insurexction 2000 an altercation occurred when Mike Chiota got knocked out and Vince called for another referee however Earl Hebner appears. He pulls Vince out of the ring, and then Vince goes to nail Hebner but hits the ring post with his hand. HHH goes up top, but Shane grabs the ropes and accidentally crotches HHH. Vince is chasing Hebner around the ring, and then into the ring… Vince tries to punch Earl Hebner but punches ring post instead. Rock Bottom on Vince! HUGE right on HHH who is knocked outside. Spinebuster on Shane: PEOPLE’S ELBOW. 1-2-3! Shane is out on the inside, Vince is out on the outside, HHH is down on the outside, and Rock stands tall in the ring with Earl Hebner.
At WWF Backlash with Earl Hebner distracted, Undertaker came in the ring and hit a chokeslam on Stone Cold! Stephanie tried to distract the ref -- but the ref shoved Stephanie down!
Kane knocked Triple H down, but the Game took Earl Hebner down with him. Kane then finally made the tag -- but Earl Hebner didn't see it! The ref screamed at the Undertaker to get out of the ring, but the Badass didn't listen. the ref screamed at Taker that he was not the legal man! Austin then knocked Earl Hebner from the ring, and hit a Stunner on Kane!
During the Main Event at WrestleMania later on in the match Mr. McMahon distracted the ref, Earl Hebner however, when Rock went for the pinfall attempt Earl Hebner said no! Rock then brought McMahon into the ring and assaulted the owner.